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Delivered By
Pastor Ralph Wells
Delivered On
May 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Last Days


We pray that you have been touched by God through this message and that it will lead to your Spiritual growth. Our greatest desire is to see God's kingdom expand and for people to grow in Christ through the Word of God.

If you have a comment or Biblical questions, please contact Pastor Ralph.


If you have questions about how to start a relationship with God, check out the salvation page or contact Pastor Ralph. E-mail


If you have started a relationship with God, we rejoice with you and would love to hear from you. We have a booklet to help you start walking with God. To get the booklet e-mail your address to us and we will send it to you in the United States. Let Pastor Ralph know you have started a new relationship with God.

1) We encourage you to start reading the Bible each day. It is best to start each day with God so that you can think about what you read throughout the day. We recommend starting with Ephesians. After Ephesians, read the Gospel of John. After John start a scheduled plan to read through the whole Bible, if you want to use our guide contact us and we will provide you a copy.

2) Second find a good Bible teaching church to attend. You need to find one that believes that Jesus is the only way to heaven and believes that the Bible is all true in its entirety. 

3) Find a Christian in your life to help you find a church. 


Thank you for listening to the lessons, we teach at our church and may God richly bless you.


If you are able and would like to donate to help keep our messages available to everyone. We would greatly appreciate your help.

We believe that your tithe belongs to your home church, where you are taught and grow but if you are willing and able to donate, we will use it to continue this work to reach others. Click the donate button below to securely give to us. Thank you for listening to these teachings.